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What's on your bookshelf?: deluxe redux reflux remastered edition


A lady reads a book in Eugène Grasset's Poster for the Librairie Romantique
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Hello reader who is also a reader, and welcome back to Booked For The Week - our regular Sunday chat with a selection of cool industry folks about books! Something extra magical has happened! And by magical, I mean that I’ve bollocksed it up, yet again! I foresaw this coming, honestly, and should have addressed it last week. Alas, I dared to dream that I’d have sorted things out by now. Well, this is what I get for mild optimism!

So, as last week, here’s a inanimate dummy of a column, so that you may violently throw book conversations at its bouncy head without fear of damaging it. As for the immediate future, I’m going to put the column on hiatus for the rest of July while I accrue a new backlog of guests for the coming months. I have some very exciting guests in the pipeline already. Whoo! Focus on them! Not my fecklessness! Guests! Whoo!

(I’m still on Shadow Of The Torturer, with Brendan Keogh’s The Videogame Industry Does Not Exist as a chaser. Book for now!)

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