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What are we all playing this weekend?

Well? Do tell!

The Plague Of Darkness by Gustave Doré, 1832-1883.
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The skies roil. The forests burn. The oceans drink themselves, then throw themselves back up, then drink themselves again. That’s gross, oceans. Don’t do that. Wait. Wait. Sorry. I misread the memo. It’s not the end times, it is simply the end of the week. That’s much nicer. Weekends bring with them solid videogame hours, and perhaps even video game hours? We shall have to see. Here’s what we’re clicking on.

Went down the shops.

I'm visiting some pals this weekend and going to a birthday thing, so I'm unsure whether there will be much time for gaming. However! I did get the birthday boy in question into Vampire Survivors and I know he's been playing it a lot. I'll be checking in with him, clipboard out, as I ask him what his eleven favourite power-ups are.

I’m on holiday all next week so I can work on an extra-curricular project, which means I can spend this weekend not doing said extra-curricular project, which means I can spend this weekend playing potted open world RPG Dread Delusion, and maybe a bit of The Banished Vault. Non-gaming plans include reading Robin Hobb and working out how to make a strawberry tart.

Chased Brendy to the shops. Forgot to ask for a Double Decker and a Panda Pop.

Dungeons of Hinterberg looks pretty tasty, no? I'll be hoping its colourful Alpine adventuring (and friendmaking) can soothe the ragged husk that Prime Day has made of my soul.

I discovered Vampire Survivors this week. I know, I'm kind of behind the curve, which is weird because I'm a big Castlevania fan, so you woulda thought that a game channeling all of the whip-smacking, chicken-grabbing vibes of gaming's most famous "kill Dracula" series would appeal to me. But for some reason I never played Vampire Survivors until now, and guess what, I dig it. So I'll be booting that up at sporadic points in between a family barbeque this weekend, mixing real-life chicken eating with Belmont-style chicken eating. Good times!

Instead of video games, I'll be playing some DnD this weekend. I've recently started a new campaign as a half-orc padlock called Roxa Helmsplittah. She's a Paladin Oathbreaker Hexblade Warlock - so edgy, I know. I've been watching a lot of Attitude Era WWF lately and it's 100% my inspiration. Roxa likes to refer to herself in the third person and starts every sentence with 'Roxa says, know your role'. Again, I'm aware of how cool I am.

No Man’s Sky for me. I wish to go to space.

Chased after Graham, who forgot his wallet, and also that Panda Pops don't exist anymore.

But you, reader dear, what are you playing this weekend?

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