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How to get to Cerulean Coast in Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree

Here's how to navigate south to the Cerulean Coast in Shadow of the Erdtree

The haunting Cerulean Coast stretches before the player in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

Want to know how to get to the Cerulean Coast in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree? Elden Ring's huge expansion Shadow Of The Erdtree puts you in the Shadow Realm, a land full of ominous mountains, eerie vistas, and solemn coastlines. There's a lot more verticality in the Shadow Realm than there was in the base game, and you'll often have to traverse hidden paths beneath cliffs in order to access new regions.

The Cerulean Coast is one tricky region to reach, even though it's just south of your starting area. A hauntingly beautiful stretch of blue seaside, the Cerulean Coast requires a lengthy, roundabout trip south of Castle Ensis. In this guide, we'll reveal everything you need to do to get to the Cerulean Coast in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.

How to get to Cerulean Coast in Shadow Of The Erdtree

A map showing how to navigate to the Cerulean Coast in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, with key locations highlighted.
You can get to the Cerulean Coast by going southeast from the Castle Front Site of Grace. Follow the numbers on this map; yellow sections of the route are above ground, while orange sections are underground. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco

To reach the Cerulean Coast, start from the Castle Front Site of Grace, which is located on the doorstep of Castle Ensis. Veer southeast along the road past the nearby enemy camps and you'll come upon a poison swamp. Go through it and then make your way northwards along a trail that eventually leads you down to a riverbed.

Part 1 of the route to get to the Cerulean Coast in Shadow of the Erdtree. The Tarnished rides Torrent through an enemy camp near the Castle Front Site of Grace, with an arrow showing the path to take.
From these camps surrounding the Castle Front, go in this direction to reach a swamp. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco.

There are quite a few enemies lurking about, including a large Miranda Blossom, and you can fight them if you want or simply plow through. Head west past the Miranda Blossom and enter a tunnel near the cliff's base. Run through the tunnel and you'll come across the Ellac River Cave Site of Grace.

Now you've just got to follow the river downstream, which can be a tricky affair. Whatever you do, don't just jump off the waterfalls. Use Torrent's double jump or your own platforming skills to hop from rock pillar to rock pillar, steadily going downwards until you come upon the Ellac River Downstream Site of Grace. You'll know you're in the right spot when you see a lonely spirit sitting on a rock nearby.

Part 2 of the route to get to the Cerulean Coast in Shadow of the Erdtree. A number of arrows show pillars that the player must jump across in order to reach their destination.
Part 3 of the route to get to the Cerulean Coast in Shadow of the Erdtree. The player rides Torrent through a cave with a waterfall just up ahead. An arrow points towards the direction the player must take northwards.
Jump across these pillars in order to make it safely downstream, and keep following the path without toppling down the waterfall. Use Torrent as needed to help you out with double jumps. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco.

Once you've rested, continue your traversal downstream by jumping over a fallen rock pillar and using it as a bridge to reach the other side of the river. You'll emerge onto a riverbed stretch of the Gravesite Plains that was previously inaccessible to you from your starting area.

Part 4 of the route to get to the Cerulean Coast in Shadow of the Erdtree. The player is atop Torrent by a waterfall, with an arrow pointing at a stretch of fallen pillar that can be used as a bridge.
This is the pillar you're looking for to safely navigate to sturdy land once more. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco.

The first thing you'll notice is a Furnace Golem wandering through the river that won't hesitate to roast you to ash if you get close, so steer clear of it if you don't want a fiery battle. Veer east of where you first sight the furnace golem and look for a trail that leads deeper into the forest. Follow this trail, and finally you'll reach the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace.

Part 5 of the route to get to the Cerulean Coast in Shadow of the Erdtree. The Tarnished faces a massive furnace golem, with an arrow pointing towards a pathway east.
Once you spot the furnace golem, avoid it or dash eastward to find a path that leads to the Cerulean Coast. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco.

Congratulations, that was one lengthy trip! While you're in the area, go grab the Southern Shore Map Fragment, which is located northwest of the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace. Watch out for the Ghostflame Dragon that alights in the central Cerulean Coast clearing - you've come too far to get squashed by a winged opponent at the last moment!

That finishes our look at how to navigate to the Cerulean Coast in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. If you're still playing the base game and trying to figure out the fastest way to commence this massive DLC, check out our tips on how to start Shadow Of The Erdtree. If you've already begun the expansion but have found yourself stuck on one of the new quests, then you should head to our walkthroughs for the Leda, Ymir, Thiollier and Moore questlines.

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